It would help members of the community in offering possible answers to your question if you were a little more specific about what you're referring to when you wrote "Cloudera VM". Consider including a link to where someone could download said "Cloudera VM".
After starting the VM, double click the Refresh Samples desktop shortcut. This will download the latest content to the VM - including patches and new samples.See the Deployment Guide for details.
Cloudera Vm Download For Mac
Next, we will create shared folders. This will allow you to share the same folder such as "Downloads" between the Mac side and Windows side. This will allow you to download files into your MacOS in a folder and access it from the Windows VirtualBox and vice versa.
Look at the document install-cloudera-vm.pdf in the /Documents/hadoop/SetUp folder on this Mac (also on GitHub). Or navigate to juliana/courses/BigData2015/cloudera-vm.pdf. Follow the instructions in this document to get Cloudera set up and working properly.
Apache Thrift needs to be installed. I could not get it to work using the most up to date version of Thrift. The following website suggested installing version 9.0, -data-from-hbase-database-from-r-using-rhbase . I basically followed his instructions. So, assuming version 9.0 is already downloaded:
First you will need to download and install the Filezilla client You can download the latest version from NOTE: Please download from this page and not the big green button so as to avoid bundled adware. Linux users may be able to install Filezilla using their respective package manager.
Cloudera quickstart VM has been a popular choice for many big data enthusiasts who wanted to learn open source Apache tech stack. Previously, many virtualisation providers like VMware, Oracle VM Virtualbox has been offering for the cloudera VMs and it used to be like cake walk to get started with learning big data tech stack like Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Kafka and PySpark.
Version 2 Getting Started Guide: -labs/cloudera.cluster/blob/v2.0.0/docs/getting-started.mdVersion 2 GitHub project: -labs/cloudera.cluster/tree/v2.0.0Version 3 Getting Started Guide: -labs/cloudera-deploy#readmeVersion 3 GitHub project: -labs/cloudera.cluster/ and -labs/cloudera-deploy/
So long as you are able to download all of the dependencies from Ansible Galaxy then you can definitely run this without an internet connection and in fact we have a customer doing this in production already.
Different credential types can be used for the upload and download step to best suit your needs: User account credentials are best for single use operations, or resources that you are primarily responsible for.
Consider service account credentials for scaled deployments and shared resource scenarios.
To use Cloud Storage to transfer files between a computer and a VM, do the following: Create a Cloud Storage bucket if you don't have an existing bucket to use for file transfers.
Use IAM permissions to modify the access to the bucket: Accounts uploading file(s) to the bucket should have the Storage Object Admin granted.
Accounts downloading file(s) should have the Storage Object Viewer role granted.
Login to the source device and upload the files to the bucket.
Login to the destination device and download the files from the bucket completing the file transfer.
Optional: Delete files that you no longer need to prevent any unwanted storage charges.
Click on the cloudera image and click settingsAfter that click on Network -> Adapter 1(by default have attached to as NAT) -> Advanced -> Port ForwardingAdd a new entry (click on + to add) with the following settings:
To connect Tableau to Impala (big data database), you need to install the ODBC connector which can be downloaded directly from Cloudera. Select ODBC Drivers and Connectors and download the driver for the operating system you have Tableau installed on.
HIVE / Impala, can read data from a variety of formats, including comma and tab delimited, but not excel. We have opted for tab delimited as some fields contain commas. To save you the trouble of creating the updated excel file and saving it in tab delimited format, you can download the files from superstore.xlsx and superstore.txt
Finally you need to you need to upload superstore.txt to a location where you can then download it in the virtual machine. The Albatrosa team suggests a cloud based service such as Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, and / or Google Drive.
You are now ready to load the Tableau sample superstore data set and configure Impala to process it. In Firefox, open the cloud based storage where you have saved superstore.txt and download the file to the Downloads folder.
In order to process large data sets in Hadoop it is necessary to install a full version of Hadoop on a real cluster with nodes of computers ranging from tens to several thousands. However, we can start experimenting with Hadoop technology right away by downloading a sandbox installation in our computer. A Sandbox installation of Hadoop is a ready to run installation with core Hadoop module and other related Hadoop software packages bundled in a virtual machine(vm) image. It typically runs on a single node and it is good enough for us to learn Hadoop.
Use the following procedure to download the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers for Windows operating systems. Only use a driver other than these if you're running a third-party application that is certified for use with Amazon Redshift and that requires a specific driver.
After you download and install the ODBC driver, add a data source name (DSN) entry to the client computer or Amazon EC2 instance. SQL client tools use this data source to connect to the Amazon Redshift database.
Use the steps in this section to download and install the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers on a supported Linux distribution. The installation process installs the driver files in the following directories:
Use the steps in this section to download and install the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver on a supported version of macOS X. The installation process installs the driver files in the following directories:
If your macOS X system uses Intel architecture, download the macOS X Intel driver version 1.4.62. If your system uses ARM architecture, download the macOS X ARM driver version 1.4.62. In both cases, the name for this driver is Amazon Redshift ODBC driver.
Extension packs. Additional extension packs can be downloaded which extend the functionality of the Oracle VM VirtualBox base package. Currently, Oracle provides a single extension pack, available from: The extension pack provides the following added functionality:
What about Meraki? Talk about an expensive acquisition, Cisco paid for Meraki just about what VMware paid for Nicira, except if you are thinking that Meraki is Cisco's answer to Nicira, you would be mistaken. Meraki is a very cool cloud networking management technology which allows you to manage your network devices completely from the cloud. Meraki comes with a complete set of hardware like Wireless AP, switches and more that all communicate with the cloud, download their configurations and off they go. Meraki also simplifies the complicated tasks traditionally associated with managing, scaling, monitoring and optimizing a network. It offers profiles for common tasks. For instance, if you want to setup a VPN or a wireless AP, you no longer need to know command line interface or spend an extended amount of time implementing that solution -- Meraki automates it and gives you more time to do things that matter.
Excalibur also promised to converge Citrix Profile Manager, Citrix EdgeSight (hopefully by then, it is either redesigned or Citrix acquires a new company to replace its technology), and Storefront, which is the successor to the legendary Web Interface. Citrix, do you expect me to believe that after all these years, all these GB downloads, I can finally have one install package, unified architecture, two management consoles to do all this? Tears of joy and contentment are raining down my face, so please get this right. 2ff7e9595c