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How to Monitor Log Files with Graylog v3.1 on Debian 10: A Comprehensive Overview


On the command line you can provide a path to the configuration file with the -c switch. The default configuration path on Linux systems is /etc/graylog/sidecar/sidecar.yml and C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\sidecar.yml on Windows.

Additionally with the list_log_files option a directory listing is displayed in the Graylog web interface. This way an administrator can see which files are available for collecting. The list is periodically updated and files with write access are highlighted for easy identification. After enabling send_status or send_status + list_log_files go to the collector overview and click on one of them, a status page with the configured information will be displayed.

How to Monitor Log Files with Graylog v3.1 on Debian 10

Check the log files in /var/log/graylog-sidecar for any errors. Understand that not only the Sidecar but also all backends, like filebeat, will be started as sidecar user after these changes. So all log files that the backend should observe also need to be readable by the sidecar user. Depending on the Linux distribution there is usually an administrator group which has access to most log files. By adding the sidecar user to that group you can grant access fairly easy. For example on Debian/Ubuntu systems this group is called adm (see System Groups in Debian Wiki or Security/Privileges - Monitor system logs in Ubuntu wiki).

You can imagine having to review logfiles from several system areas and applications, that is where logging systems come in handy. They help to monitor, review, analyze and even generate reports from different logfiles as configured by a System Administrator.

The solution also helps users to comply with various IT compliance standards such as PCI DSS, ISO 27001, GLBA, SOX, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, and more. Subscription-based services are offered depending on the number of log sources for monitoring. Support is made available to the users via phone, product videos, and an online knowledge base.

Logcheck is yet another open-source log monitoring tool that is run as a cron job. It sifts through thousands of log files to detect violations or system events that are triggered. Logcheck then sends a detailed summary of the alerts to a configured email address to alert operation teams of an issue such as an unauthorized breach or a system fault.

It must be something timezone related. Both the graylog server and hosts configured with rsyslog are running Europe/Brussels as timezone. But now I notice that message I expected yesterday are visible today but at a later time than they actually happened.

To test your configuration file, change to the directory where theFilebeat binary is installed, and run Filebeat in the foreground withthe following options specified: ./filebeat test config -e. Make sure yourconfig files are in the path expected by Filebeat (see Directory layout),or use the -c flag to specify the path to the config file.

On the command line you can provide a path to the configuration file with the -c switch.The default configuration path on Linux systems is /etc/graylog/sidecar/sidecar.yml and C:\Program Files\Graylog\sidecar\sidecar.yml on Windows.

Each Sidecar instance is able to send status information back to Graylog. By enabling the option send_status metrics like load or the IP address of the host Sidecar is running onare sent. Also metrics that are relevant for a stable operation e.g. disk volumes over 75% utilization are included. Additionally with the list_log_files option a directory listing is displayed inthe Graylog web interface. In that way an administrator can see which files are available for collecting. The list is periodically updated and files with write access are highlighted for easy identification.After enabling send_status or send_status + list_log_files go to the collector overview and click on one of them, a status page with the configured information will be displayed.

We have prepared an example on how to configure the Sidecar using the Graylog web interface. The assumption is that we want to collect Apachelogfiles and ship them with a Filebeat collector to a Beats input that is listening on Port 5044 on your Graylog Server.

Check the log files in /var/log/graylog-sidecar for any errors. Understand that not only the Sidecar but also all backends, like filebeat, will be started as sidecar user after these changes.So all log files that the backend should observe also need to be readable by the sidecar user. Depending on the Linux distribution there is usually an administrator group which has access to most log files.By adding the sidecar user to that group you can grant access fairly easy. For example on Debian/Ubuntu systems this group is called adm (see System Groups in Debian Wiki or Security/Privileges - Monitor system logs in Ubuntu wiki).

The Linux Audit framework is a kernel feature (paired with userspace tools) that can log system calls. For example, opening a file, killing a process or creating a network connection. These audit logs can be used to monitor systems for suspicious activity.

Using the standard tools of the Linux Audit System is usually enough for monitoring a single system. Larger deployments will benefit from centralizing audit logs (as they do for all logs). By shipping audit logs to Elasticsearch, or to Sematext Logs, our log management tool exposing the Elasticsearch API, we are able to get a better overview of all hosts. Searches and aggregations will also scale better with the volume of audit logs.

New Line is the default delimiter and is used for log files that have a single entry per line. If the line starts with a date and time in one of the available formats, you can specify a Timestamp delimiter, which supports entries that span more than one line.

The log files will be located in C:\MyApp\Logs. A new file will be created each day with a name that includes the date in the pattern appYYYYMMDD.log. A sufficient pattern for this log would be C:\MyApp\Logs\*.log.

This simply means that there is no configuration with the same tag that the Sidecar was started with. So we have to create a new configuration. Define outputs and inputs and tag it in order to collect log files.Take the Step-by-step guide to create your first configuration.

Each Sidecar instance is able to send status informations back to Graylog. By enabling the option send_status metrics like the configured tags or the IP address of the host Sidecar is running onare send. Also metrics that are relevant for a stable operation e.g. disk volumes over 75% utilization are included. Additionally with the list_log_files option a directory listing is displayed inthe Graylog web interface. In that way an administrator can see which files are available for collecting. The list is periodically updated and files with write access are highlighted for easy identification.After enabling send_status or send_status + list_log_files go to the collector overview and click on one of them, a status page with the configured information will be displayed.

We have prepared an example on how to configure the Sidecar using the Graylog Webinterface. The assumption is that we want to collect Apachelogfiles and ship them with a Filebeat collector to a Beats input that is listening on Port 5044 on your Graylog Server.

Check the log files in /var/log/graylog/collector-sidecar for any errors. Understand that not only the Sidecar but also all backends, like filebeat, will be started as collector user after these changes.So all log files that the backend should observe also need to be readable by the collector user. Depending on the Linux distribution there is usually an adminstrator group which has access to most log files.By adding the collector user to that group you can grant access fairly easy. For example on Debian/Ubuntu systems this group is called adm (see System Groups in Debian Wiki or Security/Privileges - Monitor system logs in Ubuntu wiki).

Tags are used to match Sidecar instances with configurations on the Graylog server side. E.g. a user can create a configuration for Apache access log files.The configuration gets the tag apache. On all web servers running the Apache daemon the Sidecar can also be started with the apache tag to fetch this configurationand to collect web access log files. There can be multiple tags on both sides the Sidecar and the Graylog server side. But to keep the overview the administrator shoulduse at least on one side discrete tags that the assignment is always 1:1 or 1:n.

Logs Data Platform is a turnkey solution that enables you to collect, store and analyse logs. It supports any type of logs file; from application logs, to server and security logs. There is the option to use your own choice of log collector (Syslog-ng, Fluentd, NXLog) or to use our dedicated collectors - Flowgger and Logstash - which work regardless of the source, format, or structure of your data. For log analysis, customers can leverage Graylog, Kibana or Grafana visualisation, to perform logs monitoring at application level, or server monitoring when dealing with infrastructure supervision. By enabling customers to take advantage of ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana) ecosystem, the Logs Data Platform works as a powerful log analyser solution.

From within the LOGalyze web interface, you can run dynamic reports and export them into Excel files, PDFs, or other formats. These reports can be based on multi-dimensional statistics managed by the LOGalyze backend. It can even combine data fields across servers or applications to help you spot trends in performance.

Next we are going to show how to send this data to a third party logging service without using an agent, as well as how to configure Rsyslog to also send data from files not part of the default configuration. Sending non-default Syslog data is in fact not really possible with some of the older versions of Syslogd. Thankfully, though, most modern linux distros ship with Rsyslog which has some nice additional functionality that provides the ability to convert any standard text file into a Syslog message. 2ff7e9595c

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