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Phil Phantom Stories


Phil Phantom is probably the most prolific erotic story author on the web. He has written 100's of stories under 7 pen-names. The four most common themes in his stories are sluts, under age kids, incest and bestiality. He has a talent and a knack for story telling that builds excitement through to the climax. I hope you find his writing as entertaining as I do. For Phil Phantom stories from the female perspective, see stories by Tiffany.

WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The followingstory is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and containsdescriptions of explicit sex. If you are not anadult, or reading sex stories upsets you, or is illegal, do not readany further.No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anyelectronic means for profit or where a fee is charged for accessincluding but not limited to printing, photocopying, recording or byany information and retrieval system, without the written permissionof the author. All rights are reserved by the author. The author maybe contacted through HTTP://PhilPhantom.Com Copyright 1997,Phil PhantomIf you like this story and you want more Phil Phantom's or Tiffany'sstories you can read over 500 other stories by the same author byvisiting Phantom Base at HTTP://PhilPhantom.Com At the Mercy of a Daughter By: Phil PhantomSurviving three days of abduction by a rogue motorcycle gang with herfamily intact, sore, but alive, should have been cause for rejoicing,like standing in the debris field of a tornado, telling a reporter, "Idon't care about all this. I'm just thankful all of my family made itthrough."Donna should have felt that way on the ride home in their motor home,but she didn't. She didn't because she no longer felt a part of thisfamily. Her family - husband, daughter, and three sons - were now likegang members who had split off from the main pack, leaving their bikesto return the bitch.Donna spoke to no one and no one spoke to her. She lay in the rearbedroom with the door closed. She didn't know what they were sayingabout her, but they knew to leave her be. If they were talking to eachother, they were being quiet.Donna had no way of knowing, but the gang was not in a social ortalkative mood, each gone to their own space, thinking, feeling badly,wishing they had exercised more restraint, each wishing they had acteddifferently, each feeling like a coward and a traitor in the face of alife-threatening danger. No one felt worse than Bob.The trip to the desert was his idea, and dirt-biking with his boys washis passion. When the bikers showed up, he should have laid down hislife in a bold attempt to get them to move on, try fucking with afamily who had no hero, easy pickings. Donna had every right to hatehim and want to be free of him.Sherry, the oldest child at seventeen, vented a great deal ofrepressed sexuality and frustration on her victimized mother. Sherrywas first to see a way to save her own lovely skin by joining thegang. She wished she had truly been accepted and been given a place onthe back of a Harley Hog. Had she known her membership was just forthe party, had she known she'd have to return to the bosom of herloving family, her mother in particular, she never would have donethose things to her. Hell, Sherry was sure they'd kill her mother, sowhat did it matter. The others thought the same thing.Tom, the oldest boy at sixteen, felt as badly as his father. He shouldhave been a hero instead of a mother fucker. Is there anything lowerthan a cowardly mother fucker? He didn't think so.John, at fourteen, didn't think so, either. He couldn't believe he didthat, or did it for three days, night and day, seventeen times in all,all three holes - five times in her mouth, four in her ass, seven inher pussy. At least he wasn't as bad as Tom or Randy.Randy, the youngest at twelve, felt like Sherry. He was sure theirmother would be wasted, snuffed. He'd only get this one chance to doeverything he ever dreamed of doing to a sexy woman who couldn't do adamn thing about it, never dreaming he'd have to go back to San Diegoand live with her afterward.Rufus, the family Black Lab laid under the table, exhausted, thinking,"The bitch ain't half bad for a human. Who'd a guessed. Ain't no dogbitch ever suck my dick. I sure am glad they didn't waste that cocksucking bitch. Glad I didn't play hero. I wonder why she wouldn't letme in the room with her. I'll bet I get to sleep on the bed, now.Hell, I'll lick her pussy. I'll lick it all she wants if I get tosleep on the bed. Who am I kidding. I'll lick that pussy even if Ihave to sleep outside. That ain't bad pussy, not bad at all. Surebeats Fe Fe's butt."Donna didn't know how she could ever face them all, not after allthey'd seen and done. Sure, they were all acting on survivalinstincts, and there wasn't a hero among them, not even the family dog- the cowardly mutt - hit of the party. Donna groaned at the flood ofdisgusting memories. She thought, "How can a wife and mother return tobeing a wife and mother after being a dog's bitch - not bitch, a dog'sslut."At first, Donna didn't think they'd kill her if she gave them whatthey wanted. They wanted to see a woman, a wife and mother, act like amutt's slut in front of her family. Donna had to draw on herimagination, but actually getting down to doing the acts she imaginedwas the toughest thing she ever did. Even after she was sure she'd endup dead meat, by then, it didn't matter. She continued being a muttslut to avoid the torments of a slow, agonizing death by torture,usually at the hands of one of her own family members, Sherry inparticular. Sherry was the enforcer. When the time came, Sherry wouldbe the executioner. All indications were that Sherry would enjoy thegruesome task and take her sweet time.Sherry felt awful about that. As the enforcer, she got into her roleearly on. Her mother's lovely, sexy, blemish-free body would bear thescars for the rest of her life. Her nipples may never recover, and herpussy will probably never sprout hair again, hair yanked out by theroots with pliers, hair needed to mask the scars from a thin metalwhip made from a radio antenna. Sherry thought for sure they'd bewasting her, so what was the harm. So what if she suffered. When youdie, all fades to black. There's no God, Heaven, no Hell. Ashes toashes, dust to dust. A mother is just a mass of living tissue sendingimpulses to the brain. The brain is just an organ. Personality is justan illusion. That mass was her mother, that's all.Bob hated himself. He truly loved that gorgeous mass of tissue, nowterribly scarred and hurting, feeling used, misused, abused, alone andabandoned. With that thought he took the next exit and found a placeto park where Rufus could go wet a tree.He called the kids out and drew them off to the front of the coach. Helooked to each sad and sorry face, then said, "Look, we all did whatwe did to survive. I think your mother realizes that. We have to beginthe healing process. We have to make amends and restore her to herproper place and help re-establish the dignity she needs to carry on."Sherry broke down, saying, "Maybe you guys only did what you had to doto survive, but I tortured her, and most of the things I did, no onemade me do. I just did them because it made everyone laugh. I was allset to kill her, and I wanted to do it slow. She hates me, now."Bob placed an arm around her and hugged her close, saying, "She'll getover that, Sherry. You are her daughter and her first born child. Youwere under great duress. You got caught up in the decadence and went alittle crazy. If she doesn't see that now, she will eventually.""She never will, Daddy. I'm a monster. I don't deserve to live. I suredon't deserve a mom like her. Just leave me here. She'll be happierwithout me in the family."Tom and his father were of like mind on most things. This was noexception. He hugged his big sis from the other side, saying, "Youdon't know Mom if you feel that way. Dad's right. She'll forgive andforget, and there's no way she'd let you live on the street. You'refamily. You'll always be family. We're the ones who have the most toatone for. We used her sexually. We took advantage of her. Wecommitted incest, over and over again."Sherry said, "I did that, too, and not just with Dad and you guys. Iused her more than any of you. I made her drink my piss. That's allshe got to drink for three days in the dessert, my piss, and I madeher suck it out while I whipped her. You don't forget or forgive that.How could she? Every time she looks at me she'll remember and getsick. Having me around will remind her that she used to be a toilet.John, get your hand out of my crotch. I'm not in the mood, you fuckingjerk."Bob looked behind Sherry and slapped John's hand away, saying,"Damnit, John, your sister is not a sexual playing, and we're not outin the desert with a biker gang."He looked hurt and confused as he said, "So, she's not a virgin nomore and she likes it.""She may like it when she's in the mood, but you heard her. She is notin the mood. We may have broken the incest barrier out there, but awoman still has the prerogative. You'll know if and when she gets inthe mood. Until then, you treat her with respect."Sherry smiled to her Daddy, a sexy smile. She liked that message thatimplied sex between her and the boys and her and her father couldcontinue if she wanted it to. That painted a whole new picture andbrought new possibilities. She began to see where it might be possibleto share a home with a woman who was angry with her but wouldn't forceher out in the street no matter what she did. If four out of fivewanted her to stay, she could even feel welcome.She batted her eyes at the main guy and said, "Thank you, Daddy. Youdo understand. I promise, I will be in the mood again, just not rightnow. I won't be shy anymore, and I won't object to any of you tryingto get me in the mood. You just have to go slow and pick the righttime. You guys will learn what works and what doesn't; and Daddy, I'msure you already know. You could get me in the mood whenever you wantto. You should give them pointers, like no grabbing."Sherry could see she'd made a big score with the papa bear by tellinghim in an off-hand way that he could have pussy whenever he wanted.Her father wasn't the best fuck at the camp site or even in thefamily, but he sure liked fucking her. He did not relish the idea ofgiving up fucking that young pussy, and said, "I'm glad you feel thatway, Sherry. In light of all we've done, it would be difficult if notimpossible to return to a normal home life. As long as you'reagreeable, I'd be happy to teach them good seduction techniques.""I'll help you. Together, we can make them experts that can score offany chick."Tom was quick to say, "Would those techniques work on Mom?"Everyone looked to Tom, and each was wondering. They weren't lookingat him like he were a pervert or an idiot. They were looking at himlike he had something there and was the first bright mother fucker tothink of it. After a pregnant pause while they stared deep in thought,Tom said, "Well, do you think it would?"Bob said, "I suppose they'll work on any female."Sherry said, "I'm sure they would."Tom said, "Great, because I like being a mother fucker. I want somemore."Randy chimed in, "I'll second that. Mom is a great piece of ass."John said, "I'll say. Even sloppy hundredths with a bloody pussy waspretty good. Are you saying you won't mind, Dad?""If she'll let you, why should I mind. Before you boys start gangseducing her, we need to give her a chance to get settled in and putall this behind her, at least what she can put behind her. She needstime to heal, physically and mentally. What she needs now is love,affection, tenderness, and a feeling of being part of this familyagain. The only hero to emerge from that ordeal is your mother. Sheneeds to feel like the hero who saved us. Right now, she feels likethe lowest filth on Earth. I'm sure she feels like a bitch slut and atoilet, even a whore. I think we'll know when she is ready to dealwith seduction attempts. I can assure you that any that go prematurewill fail with disastrous results."Sherry said, "Dad is right, and he has an excellent plan. I'll helpyou guys all I can. As horny as you guys are, I'll need the help. Ithink she'll come around, but we have to do like Dad said. She's ourhero. She saved us, and there isn't enough we can do to thank her. Shemay push us away at first, me especially, but I'm going to keep tryingto win her forgiveness."Bob said, "That's the spirit, Sherry. Your mother has the biggest,softest heart on the planet. She is incapable of holding a grudge inthe face of someone asking forgiveness, someone who really means it.The trouble is, she sees right through bullshit. Guys, I'm afraid youare all way too transparent to soften her up. I think Sherry has thebest chance."Sherry said, "I do, too, Dad. If she'll forgive me, the rest of youhave nothing to sweat. I'm going to start right now. She might let mein. At least, by the time we get home, we'll be talking. Is that okaywith you, Dad?""Try, but don't badger. This is a very delicate time. I'm sure sheneeds intimate nursing care. You're the only one who could give herthat unless she wants to wait until we get home. I know she wouldn'twant to go to the hospital.""Great idea. I'll get the first aid kit. Where is it?""Bathroom cabinet under the sink. And Sherry, it wouldn't hurt tobring her something to drink, something that doesn't emerge frombetween your legs."Sherry smiled her devilish smile and said, "Why, she'll drink from mypussy fountain when she gets thirsty enough. I'll bet she's thirstyenough. Can't I say I'm sorry while she slurps piss from my pussy.""No! You get that look out of your eyes, girl.""Dad, there is another strategy that might work better on her. Thestrike while the iron's hot strategy.""The iron isn't hot, Sherry. That iron is stone cold, now.""I disagree. She liked some of that stuff. Maybe she fooled you guys,but she didn't fool me. She loved everything with Rufus, and she lovedall the incest. I'll tell you something else you won't believe butit's true. She loved drinking my piss and eating my pussy.""You're right. I don't believe it. I know you'd like to believe it."Tom said, "Dad, she might be right. Mom loved it when we screwed her,especially when we all three did her at once."Bob said, "I think that's wishful thinking on your part, too."Sherry said, "I'm not saying the strike while the iron technique isbest. All I'm saying is it might be best. Either way, the longer wewait, the easier it will be to put all of this behind her and revertto her old self. She'll be back to her old self and running our livesin no time. Nobody wants that, and the sooner we reinforce what westarted out there, the easier this will be for her to adjust to. Iknow what she liked and what she didn't.""Well, you know how she can be if you guess wrong. My loyalties arewith her, just remember that. Push come to shove, I'll stand besideher. I always have and always will. Okay, except when she needed memost, but dead heroes are no help either.""Just trust my judgment on this. Let me feel her out, and then go theway you see me going."Bob turned to Randy and said, "Run across the street and get her alemonade Big Gulp from the Seven-Eleven. She loves those. [turning toSherry] There's your in. She'll open the door for that, just be readyto play nurse, and please be humble and contrite starting out. If youcome out of the gate looking like you need to piss, she'll slam thedoor in your face."After receiving the money, Randy took off. Sherry said, "I was justteasing, Daddy. I know how to be. More than anyone, I know what I needto feel badly about. I know what needs forgiveness. I'll get that outof the way before doing anything." * * *In the rear of the coach, Donna still didn't have a stitch on and wasaware of the lengthy stop. She assumed pit stop to let the dog run,probably a rest area, but she didn't have the energy to get up andpeek out a window. If she could muster the energy, she was too sore.Thirst almost drove her to slip into something and into the bathroom.The bikers drank everything they had, but the holding tanks probablyhad water. Sucking from the tap would not be above her at this point,not after the tap she'd been sucking her fluids from.Donna thought about that more than anything; that, and the hours herhead spent between her daughter's legs. For three days, her face waswedded to that girl's beaver. The guys loved it. Sherry lovedthrilling the guys, all of them. The little slut screwed her brainsout and fed her fucked cunt to her mother in every imaginableposition. Donna gorged herself on fuck. All she ate was fuck. All shedrank was piss. For three horrific days, she dined on her daughterwhile being whipped for not gorging good enough to suit her.Of all the indignities Donna suffered, having to act like a famishedlesbian was the worst. Most of her injuries came from not doing itgood enough, often whipped between her legs while lying on her backholding an obscene beaver with Sherry squatted over her mouth. Then,there were the times when Sherry sat in a wide beaver while receivingthe service with Rufus screwing her sore, battered, and beaten vagina.A mother doesn't forget that. Rare would be the mother who could everforgive such treatment.Donna had cried all the tears she could cry and simply laid therethinking about those things. She knew Sherry had it in her to be thatway, but never dreamed her daughter's macabre passions could beunleashed so quickly and easily, or so fully without restraint. Theeight bikers no sooner had their bikes turned off when Sherry droppedher bikini (top and bottom) and sauntered nude over to the one whoappeared to be their leader. She guessed right. They were soon fuckingin the sand in a circle of family and bikers.Following that obscene fuck, while standing beside her man with hissemen running down her legs, Sherry wore a wicked grin while saying,"Make her fuck the dog like a bitch in heat."Donna almost died right there, and that's when things got nasty, andkept getting nasty thanks mostly to her own daughter. Things never gotnasty enough to suit Sherry. The bikers left calling her a crazybitch. Sherry dropped the carving knife in the sand, shocked that theyfound her idea crazy and left without her. A girl filleting her motheralive, that had to be cool, not crazy, not for a Satan's Disciplebiker babe.Forgiving Sherry would be a Herculean task. Donna wasn't sure shecould, and wasn't sure Sherry would ever ask. She half expected Sherryto run away. She wasn't sure that wouldn't be best for all. The restof her relationships were salvageable, and they could always get ridof the dog if he couldn't unlearn new tricks. After three days, shedoubted he could, and Rufus was not an outdoor dog. He should havebeen, but they spoiled him, raising him like a family member. He was afamily member - too old to unlearn new tricks that he liked.Getting rid of Rufus was not in the cards. She couldn't demand thateven if he became impossible to live with and continued to treat herlike his bitch. She could picture that quite clearly and could not seebeing cruel to the dumb animal who didn't know better. This wasn't hisfault, hers either. Who could fault her for showing mercy, taking himoff and just doing it. After all they'd seen, why take him off. Shecould do it in the living room or beside the dining table duringfamily meals. She could take a break in meal preparations to get downon the kitchen floor and give him some, to sate his unnatural lust forhuman pussy where and when he felt the need.Donna didn't need to wear jeans from now on. She didn't need to wearpanties, either, not at home. She didn't need to wear anything. Theyhad seen everything. They had seen Rufus vent his animal lusts oneverything, and seen her respond to it. Who was she kidding by notplaying the bitch when she got back. Certainly not Sherry. Herdaughter knew a bitch when she saw one.Donna wanted to finger her pussy as she thought about life at homewith Rufus, also life with a daughter who refused to run away orapologize. The best she could do was writhe her inflamed clit againstthe bedding until she heard the soft knock and her daughter say, "Mom,I brought you a lemonade Big Gulp with ice."Donna stopped writhing, instantly snapping to the present, thirstybeyond measure. Slowly, she rolled to her back and sat up, swingingher stiff legs off the bed. She made her way to the door which openedout. She unlocked then turned the handle. The door she just wanted tocrack open, opened fully and her daughter squeezed in pulling the doorclosed behind her. She had the Big Gulp and a first aid kit tuckedunder the same arm.Donna took the drink, threw the plastic lid off, and gulped big.Sherry watched and couldn't resist saying, "Sure beats piss, doesn'tit?"Donna continued to drink while looking at Sherry over the rim. Therewas hatred in her eyes, but this hatred was softened by Sherry'sapologetic return look, complete with an unsure smile like one youmake after using an ethnic slur to an ethnic you think you're closeenough with but aren't sure. Sherry said, "Somehow, someway, I intendto make this up to you. They were right. I went crazy. I'm a crazybitch. I know that, now. I'm sick. I won't ever ask you to forgive me.I won't insult you. You saved us. You're the big hero, Mom."This was not at all what Donna expected to hear, not from Sherry,anyway. The term hero never entered Donna's mind. After gulping half,Donna took the cup away from her lips to study Sherry's expression -sincere - no bullshit - very odd.Donna said, "I wish I could believe you.""I don't expect you to, not after the way I behaved. I thought we wereall goners and my only chance was to become one of them. Call me achicken, but I'm afraid to die. I'll do anything to stay alive. Idon't have to tell you that, do I?"Again Donna studied. Again, she saw no bullshit. She drank some more,then said, "How do the others feel?""Pretty bad. We're all a bunch of cowards. You're the only hero, butyou're right up there with John Wayne. We feel pretty lucky to haveyou for a mom. We're all wondering how long we'll have you. No one canblame you for wanting out."Donna felt much better if Sherry was to be trusted and being truthful.She wasn't sure. Donna drank then said, "I have no intentions ofabandoning my family.""I didn't think you would. I told them you wouldn't, that they didn'tneed to worry about that. It's not in your nature to abandon or tohold a grudge. I didn't believe the part about you not holding agrudge, but I believe it applies to them and the things they did.They'd like to believe that."The motor home began moving and began with a forward lurch thattoppled them both to the bed - Donna painfully. She cried out. Sherryrolled her to her back. Donna went gingerly with light finger pressureto her shoulder as Sherry said, "I have nursing to do, so you may aswell relax and let me do this."Donna fully intended to do her own nursing when she arrived home, butsince Sherry offered and had what was needed, Donna relaxed evenallowing Sherry to position both legs wide after setting the kit onthe night stand and making room on the bed. Donna felt odd being laidout this way, an obscene beaver spread, but not as odd as she wouldhave felt three days ago.After getting her mother in position, the crotch and breasts needed tobe washed in order to assess damage. In addition to dried blood therewas caked sperm, sand, and debris. Sherry needed water, soap, a washcloth and towel. She got up to get those things. When she opened thedoor, it swung fully open and caught the Velcro stay that held itopen. Thinking nothing of this, Sherry entered the bathroom, leavingher mother exposed to three heads that peered down the aisle, straightup her wide beaver.Donna raised her head to see who saw but couldn't muster the strengthto either close her legs or get up and shut the door. Her head fellback to the pillow and she waited. She waited wearing a blush, cursingSherry's thoughtlessness in leaving her that way. If that weren'tenough, Rufus got curious, saw that messy beaver on his bitch anddecided to help out. His broad tongue made Donna's head come shootingup.There still wasn't a damn thing she could do but lay there and watch.She couldn't watch without also watching her three sons who were nowon their feet and getting to better viewing positions to see somethingthey'd seen dozens of times. Donna let her head fall back and let thedog have his way, though this time was different. The enforcer wasn'tmaking her offer him an obscene spread. To them, it looked like shedid this on her own and was resolved to playing the bitch for Rufusfrom now on, no sense in putting it off.Donna thought about this while trying not to think about thatmarvelous tongue that felt great even on a sore and injured pussy. Shethought about the situation she'd be living in. Indeed, there was noreason to put this off, not if she'd end up being his bitch. Theywould soon see her as a wife to their father and a bitch to the familydog. She couldn't conceal either role. The more that delicious slab ofdog tongue had its way with her inflamed sex, the more she didn't wantto try. The more his tongue dragged across her throbbing clit, themore she wanted those curious boys in the room with them so they couldsee better how a bitch feeds pussy to her doggie lover.Sherry emerged from the bathroom to see a bitch feeding pussy to herdoggie lover. She held in the knowing smile and moved in, leaving thedoor wide open. After setting up her supplies, she said, "Mom, I couldsend him out, but I would think his tongue would be better than arough wash cloth. They say dog saliva kills germs, that letting themlick a wound isn't a bad idea. What do you think?"Donna looked to Sherry and was thankful for the excuse to languish,saying, "Whatever, Sherry. Do what you feel you need to do. I'm justgoing to close my eyes and pretend I'm somewhere else.""Good idea. Pretend you're lying out at the camp site to get sun onlythere are no bikers around. I'll try not to hurt you, but your nipplesare in pretty bad shape. They both need stitches. We have the stuff,but I don't know how to do it right, and we have no Novocain. Maybeyou should go to a doctor."With her eyes closed, Donna said, "No. Do the best you can. It can'tbe any worse than what I suffered through to make them that way."Sherry began her delicate procedure as the boys crammed in thedoorway. Donna knew they were there and jockeying for the space. Thatknowledge and the dog's tongue had her at the brink of orgasm, holdingit back with all her might. The pain Sherry inflicted helped a greatdeal, and she hadn't started with the needle and thread, yet.When Sherry was ready to begin building nipples from flaps of rawtissue, she called the boys in to help out. Their job was to keeptheir mother's mind off her nipples. Randy and John were asked to eachtake a leg and massage it. Tom had the job of sitting up by her headand massaging her scalp. Donna languished under all this lovingattention though she suffered great agony at times. The boys weregreat at distracting her, not as good as the dog, but each did hispart. The two leg men were best, each working to pull her open intothe splits, massaging close to pussy, avoiding the raw areas whiledoing their best to open her pussy to the dog's tongue.Tom did his part by trying to get her to talk. He was the mostbothered by what he'd done. He had to get this off his chest. Itcouldn't wait. He explained why he took advantage, how he alwayswanted her, how he masturbated while thinking about it, that he haddone that for years, that the only female that turned him on as muchas she did was a super model he knew he could never have, that he hadto go for it. He couldn't help himself. He had to.This was all very flattering but wasn't helping Donna stave offorgasm. She wanted to fuck him and put his mind at ease. She wanted totell him he never had to hold his lust in again, that if she'd givethe dog pussy whenever he wanted some, she'd do no less for a handsomeson, and if bearing him a child turned him on that much, she'd evenconsider that. The other two mother fuckers, by their actions morethan words, told her they expected nothing less from a bitch mom.Randy even said, "Are you going to let Rufus fuck you after your pussyheals?"Donna looked down her front to the pussy they splayed open for the dogand said, "Yes. He sees me as his bitch, now. I don't see that I havemuch choice, do you?"This pleased everyone, none more than Sherry. They could all see thatshe was turned on, but no one expected her to say this, or to seekapproval from them. Each added their approval, even Tom. Sherry pausedbetween stitches to add, "Mom, you were a great bitch at the dunes.Will you be that good at home?"Donna looked to Sherry and said, "Don't you think I should?""Sure, that's the kind of bitch Rufus expects, a bitch slut like youwere out there. Can you swallow your pride and be that way withoutsomeone holding a whip over you, making you do it?"Now panting, Donna said, "I think so. I'll try. You'd like that,wouldn't you, Sherry?""We all would, Mom, even Dad. Nothing gets him as hard as seeing youact the slut with Rufus.""You'd like that, wouldn't you. You'd like me getting your father'sdick hard for you, especially that way."Sherry inserted the needle and caused great pain. This was a cruelstab that had to be partially drawn out to effect a surface stitchwhile saying, "The incest barrier has been broken in this family, ordid you forget?"Recovering from that pain brought Donna back from the brink of orgasmand into a dose of reality. She watched the stitch being completedwhile gathering her voice to say, "No, I did not forget. I know wecan't turn back the clock or return to being the way we were, but I amstill the mom, and I am not into being lorded over by a child, and Iam definitely not into pain. If you do that again, you're grounded forthree months."Sherry made the next stitch more carefully, saying, "Sorry. That wasan accident.""No, it wasn't. I am not a fool, Sherry. I know you love this shit andI'm getting more stitches than I need. Wrap this up and leave me be oryou can forget you and I ever becoming sexual in this new family ofours. You may not be into giving, but I know you love to receive."Sherry smiled and said, "You're right. I love to receive. I'd hate togive that up. If I be a good girl, will I get that and the other,too?"Everyone knew what Sherry meant by the other. They were eager to hearDonna's reply. Donna thought, then said, "We'll see. I will not beyour full time toilet if that's what you're thinking. On occasion, Isuppose I could indulge you.""Great. Will you do it the way you did back at the camp site and leteveryone watch?""As long as there's no whip involved.""Fantastic! There, all done, almost good as new. At least your titshave caps. I don't know if they'll be any good for nursing your sons'babies, but at least they have something to play with while they'remaking them."Donna examined the job Sherry did. It was better than nothing. Theallusion that her sons would be using them to play with while tryingto make babies was not lost on Donna, nor was the opportunity to setthem straight on that score lost on the mother fuckers eager to hearher reply. Donna let that opportunity pass. In doing so, she made themsmile.Donna looked from one grinning boy to the other and finally said,"We'll see. I have to think about it some more. Right now, I needrest. Take Rufus with you, and don't bother me until we arrive home."The kids filed out with the dog in tow, then shut the door behindthem. Donna stared at the ceiling after further nipple examination,seeing new hope for them. They hurt like hell, and they'd get worse,but barring infection, she just may end up keeping functional nipples.Not bad considering how close she came to losing both tits to theribs. * * *Once home, Donna spent the better part of that first week being waitedon hand and foot. Sherry was as dutiful and attentive as the others,only she took particular care in nursing the pussy and nipples. Theboys gave massages. They brought Rufus in to do his thing which wasoral sex. He was the only one who could provide release withoutcausing too much pain. At first, she objected, but she eventuallyneeded the release and allowed them to decide how often she needed tocum. Ten times a day became the average. Donna came to enjoy recoveryand was happiest in bed.Her pussy healed first and healed nicely. By week's end, only a fewscars remained. Her nipples, though far from being healed, were wellon their way and no longer swollen and discolored. She could functionon her own by going topless but preferred to lie in bed.After two weeks, her stitches came out and her distorted, misshapennipples looked fairly healthy, no longer in danger of infection. Shecould wear clothes, but didn't. She spent more time out of bed thanin, but didn't do much in the way of her normal routine. She took hermassages in her favorite chair, and she allowed Rufus to lick, but sofar had not engaged in any other form of sex with him.The family conferred often on her progress and mapped out newstrategies as old strategies failed to yield expected results. Theirstrategy ended up becoming the long, drawn-out seduction they hadfirst discussed. Rufus and her seductive sons kept her in the game.Had it not been for his lap jobs and their intimate massages, chancesare they would have lost her to a rebound as the wrongness keptsetting in and not setting right with her.Sherry was also not setting right with her, and the fact that herdaughter and her husband were having sex all through this recoverywasn't helping matters. Donna grew to resent Sherry and could notforgive someone who refused to ask for forgiveness or apologize.Without apology and forgiveness, there was no way of restoring anykind of relationship. The relationship they had kept festering,infected by visions of a nightmare in the dunes, Sherry holding acarving knife to her breast in particular.Sherry grew impatient with her mother with each day. She grew bolderwith each day she spent serving her father's every sexual whim. Donnacould see what Sherry was up to - theft of a spouse. She won hispenis. That was easy. She now wanted his heart and mind. With those,she'd have power, leverage, and could not be placed on restriction.As the boys grew more seductive each day, approaching Donna as loversdo, their intentions and desires as obvious as their erections,Sherry's patience grew thinner. No longer needed for her nursingskills, and never one to administer a soothing massage, she now wantedher due and never missed the opportunity to remind her mother thatthey had a deal as though the words spoken in the heat of passionwhile riding home were somehow a contract that she was not living upto.Donna felt like a woman adrift on a raft made of perversion, carriedalong by a river of sex which emptied out into the sea of lust. Shesaw no way out of the river and she had no paddle. Sherry seemed tosee it that way, too, when she took a seat on the arm of Donna'sfavorite chair at a time when Rufus did his crotch licking.Donna didn't like having Sherry see her like this, especially in thenude. The practice of making a beaver for Rufus whenever he showedinterest began in the bedroom and became habit. She developed a sexualaddiction and lost all sense of shame in opening herself to the dog,even masturbating with others looking on. His tongue working betweenher legs always brought a finger to massage her clit. She alwaysreached a climax, and her orgasms were the best, each one sinking herdeeper into dependency, rendering her incapable of standing up toSherry or getting pissed at Bob. They had their thing; she had herthing. It was only when Sherry watched her do her thing that Donnafelt uneasy. That still didn't stop her. Nothing could stop her,because she couldn't stop herself and no one else wanted to.This time, they were alone. Sherry watched wearing a superior grin,one that suggested she weren't that pathetic. Donna hated that look.Sherry watched in silence, then chucked Donna under her chin to makeher look away from her own crotch and into a superior female's face.When she had her mother's attention, she said, "We had a deal. You'renot living up to your end of the bargain. I said I'd be good if youdid. Well, I have given you three weeks to make good on your promises.You're all healed now. Everything works. Either you start putting out,or I start getting nasty. You don't want me getting nasty, do you?"Donna slowly shook her head submissively showing genuine fear, asthough seeing the enforcer again, which fueled Sherry's passion andgave her strength. Sherry smiled her wicked smile and said, "No, youdon't want to see me with a whip in my hand, do you?"Donna shook her head. Sherry liked seeing that terror again. She said,"You will if you don't start putting out. I taught those boys how toseduce a bitch like you and turn her into a slobbering whore. You'remaking me look bad, like I don't know what I'm talking about. I hadbetter see an immediate change or I'll tear your cunt up. As for youand that mutt, enough of this one-sided relationship. He's not yourlap dog, he's your lover. I said bitch slut and I meant bitch slut. Isthere something wrong with your memory? Do you need a refreshercourse?"Donna shook her head emphatically then said, "No, please! Isn't thisenough? I do this all day every day, and I don't try to hide it. I'mmostly naked and half the time I'm the instigator. I'm even sluttyabout it, but I can't be the way I was out there in the desert. Ican't do that, Sherry. I couldn't live with myself if I sank that low.This is bad enough, and this is as low as I can go.""Don't tell me what you can or can not do, bitch. I know what you'recapable of given the proper motivation. The only question is, do youneed the motivation or is the threat enough? What do you think?""I don't know."Sherry mocked, "You don't know. Well, we'll just find out, won't we."With that, Sherry stood and threw one leg across to the other arm ofthe chair, placing her crotch in Donna's face. She then took hermother firmly, harshly by the head and jammed her face in tight to thebeaver. Donna went limp in Sherry's hands and allowed her face to befucked the way Sherry did it in the dunes. Sherry smeared her mother'sface from chin to forehead, ear to ear before centering the mouth andfilling her with piss. Donna sucked and swallowed as fast as she couldto avoid any spillage, climaxing on the dog's tongue as the flowbecame a trickle. Sherry smiled knowingly and shoved her away.Sherry left the house leaving Donna alone in the house - alone withher thoughts. She knew she had to do something, but what. If Sherryresorted to a whip, Bob would probably let her. Bob might even help.The boys, they were the key. Though she hadn't given them any pussy,they loved her, had drawn closer to her, and could be swayed. Loversmight stand up for her where sons won't. If she won over all three,the scales would tip in her favor. It would be four to two.She could also walk out - pack her bags and go live with her parents.The trouble with that plan was that Rufus couldn't go. Donna scratchedthat idea while scratching him behind the ear. He was still licking.He loved her spend and licked deep to get it. She thought, "bitchslut, huh." That was a possibility, one that looked more probable eachday even without the threat hanging over her head. There were times ittook all of her will power not to assume a mating position. There weretimes she didn't apply will power, like when no one was around, likenow.He needed relief. It had been days since she had found theopportunity. She thought for a moment, weighed the chances of beingcaught, then patted her belly. He understood and jumped up. Donnaguided his erection to the mark. He took it from there. They weresurprised in the act by Randy and John.Donna couldn't stop, so the boys took seats on the arms of her chairand watched. In taking their seats, they pushed her legs back furthermaking her slump further down. They were thrilled to see her finallycoming across with some pussy. The dog was getting it but they knewthey'd be next, at least not long after she began putting out toRufus. Sherry said so.Tom entered the house toward the end and took up a viewing position bystanding behind the chair hanging over the top. Like the others, heknew this was a good sign. By this time, she fucked Rufus the way shefed pussy to him - without shame - rubbing her clit while writhingunder his pistoning cock - enjoying the bestial sex with an audiencelooking on though they were feeling her up and discussing her bodyparts in the crudest of terms.The best part was having them watch her reach a climax, because that'swhen she really let go and became utterly shameless. While cumming,she didn't mind the fingers in her ass feeling the dog's cock. Whilecumming, she didn't mind being jacked off on or having dicks pressedto her lips. While cumming, she sucked them, even after.Tom had come around and gotten his cock in her mouth while hisbrothers amused themselves feeling the dog's cock through her asshole.Tom jacked on his rod while she sucked. While she drained Tom's nutsfor him, Rufus filled her with dog cum. Randy peppered her righttittie with his load while John (the contortionist) tried getting hisdick in her ass. He managed, but only after Rufus dismounted and wentoff to lick his dick, a job she used to do in the dunes.Donna held her obscene pose while John had his way with her ass. Hedidn't last long, anyway. While it did last, she felt as low as amother can go without a whip over her. She continued sucking on Tom'srod while Randy reached inside her pussy to feel his brother's dick.Now, she felt lower. Randy got his hand fully inside and began jackingoff John, making the two laugh. Now, she really felt low.Afterward, she laid in the vulgar sprawl and let the boys amusethemselves with her body. She now knew she could avoid the whip, buthad doubts that she could avoid this life. Her boys liked it too much.Only one could be considered a lover, and she wasn't all that sureabout him. The other two considered her a piece of ass, and they gavecredit to Sherry for getting some. Sherry really knew her shit. Sheknew her bitches. Two against four stood no chance of going againstthe strong current. Donna's future looked dismal.Donna had one chance, a long shot, and her opportunity came that sameday. The boys left and were gone when Bob arrived home. Sherry stillhadn't returned. Donna had clothes on. She was fully dressed, a firstsince the bikers ordered her to strip. She hadn't been alone with Bobsince that day. Sherry saw to it by monopolizing his every freemoment. Bob felt uneasy.Donna cornered him when he tried to make an excuse to slip out. Shephysically blocked the door, saying, "No, Bob, you're staying andwe're going to talk this through. Your daughter threatened me today.She threatened me with the whip if I didn't start dancing to her tunejust like I did in the dunes. She fucked my face and pissed in mymouth. It's starting all over, and it won't end until I'm dead. She'llkill me, Bob, and you won't be able to cover it up. She's a sadisticbitch. She's sick and she's crazy. We must stop her. Together, we can.If you don't grow a spine, I'm going to the police. I'll lay it allout if I have to."Bob turned ashen and slumped into a nearby chair. The thought ofgrowing a spine frightened him. The thought of jail frightened himeven more. Slowly, he faced the reality that Sherry was nuts, onetwisted bitch, a great piece of ass, but deadly.Donna saw she was getting through. Relief flooded her. She sat on thearm of the chair and placed an arm around him, saying, "I want her outof our home, Bob. She no longer goes to school. She has neverapologized or asked my forgiveness. She is not the least repentant. Iwill not share a roof with that evil bitch. I don't care where shegoes or what she does to get by, but I want her out of here today. I'mgoing to mother's. When she's gone, call me. If you don't call, you'llhear from my lawyer. If you can't end this, I can. I will. See if Idon't."Donna took an overnight bag and left. That evening, she received acall from Bob stating that Sherry was gone, that he moved her into aweekly rental motel along with her things. She cried, begged, andpleaded, but he had warned her that it may come to this. Bob wantedDonna to come home.Donna said she would but wanted to see Sherry first. He gave her theaddress. Donna found Sherry in the room. She heard the sobbing throughthe door. Sherry had wiped tears away before opening the door. Onseeing her mother, she broke into tears.Donna entered and stood looking at Sherry. For the longest time, theysaid nothing. Finally, Sherry said, "Mom, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry foreverything. I am such an idiot. I don't blame you for not loving meanymore.""I never said I didn't love you. I hate what you do, but I don't hateyou.""Can you ever forgive me?""I don't know. I'm working on it but a lot will depend on you. I willtell you this, though. If you ever threaten me again, I will cut thecord forever."Hope sprang as Sherry said, "Are you saying I can come home?""We'll try it, but you must remain in school and get therapy. Ifyou'll agree to those terms, you are welcome to stay as long as youwish."Sherry flung herself into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly,rocking in a clinging embrace. Donna patted her back, rubbed her back,and kissed the side of her face. After two minutes of hugging, Donnasaid, "Don't tell anyone, but my weakness is ear nibbling."Sherry wasn't sure she heard right. She broke the embrace to look intoher mother's smiling face. They soon broke into smiles. Sherry, almostgiddy, said, "So, that's the secret.""Nothing else works on me, but ear nibbling gets to me every time?That's how I got pregnant with you. When my ears get nibbled, I wantsperm in my pussy. Your Daddy doesn't know that, but your fatherdoes.""I'd better write that down.""No, you commit that to memory. It'll be our little secret. Just besure your brothers never find out or I'll be pumping out incestuousbastards like a Pez dispenser."In great spirits they loaded the car and headed home. Half way there,Sherry looked to her mom and said, "Say, who is my father?""Beats me, but he rode a hog and had a dick like a baby's leg."They laughed the rest of the way home and were still laughing in thedelivery room nine months later. In all, Donna pumped out eightincestuous bastards before Randy left the nest. Bob had another set ofboys to dirt bike with, four this time. One day, they heard a familiarroar from the dunes. Donna's panties got wet. The EndDid you like this story? There are over 500 other stories notpublished in this newsgroup. Why not visit Phantom Base and get themall - Trust me - There's a whole lot more at : Exercise caution and good sense before engaging in unsafe sexpractices that involve any exchange of body fluid, even contact withopen sores or small cuts. Scenes involving large objects, tattoos,bestial sex, body waste ingestion, bindings, devices and gadgets arethe stuff of fantasy and are offered to promote the only safe sexthere is - masturbation. Before you try anything, find out what therisks and hazards are because they can all be deadly. Read, enjoy, andremember - sex with minors should be left to other minors. PP

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