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Xamarin.Android: A Simple Way to Create an APK File with Visual Studio 2017


How to Generate an APK File from Xamarin.Forms Project Using Visual Studio 2017

Xamarin.Forms is a cross-platform UI framework that allows you to create native applications for Android, iOS, and Windows using a single codebase. With Xamarin.Forms, you can share not only your business logic but also your user interface across different platforms.

generate apk xamarin visual studio 2017

An APK file is an Android application package that contains all the files and resources needed to run an app on an Android device. Generating an APK file from your Xamarin.Forms project is necessary if you want to distribute your app to users via Google Play Store or other channels.

In this article, you will learn how to generate an APK file from your Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio 2017. You will need the following prerequisites before you start:

  • A Xamarin.Forms project that targets Android as one of its platforms

  • Visual Studio 2017 with Xamarin tools installed

  • An Android SDK with at least one API level installed

  • A valid keystore and alias for signing your APK file

Step 1: Specify the Application Icon

The application icon is a graphical representation of your app that appears on the device's home screen and app drawer. It is strongly recommended that you specify an application icon for your Xamarin.Forms project, as some markets, such as Google Play Store, require it.

To specify the application icon, you can either set the Icon property in the Android manifest section of your project properties, or declare it in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of your Android project. For example:

[assembly: Application (Icon = \"@drawable/icon\")]

In both cases, @drawable/icon refers to an icon file that is located at Resources/drawable/icon.png in your Android project. Note that you should not include the .png extension in the resource name. You can also use different icon files for different screen densities by placing them in subfolders such as drawable-hdpi, drawable-xhdpi, etc.

How to create an apk file from Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio

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Step 2: Version the Application

version your application by setting the Version Name and Version Code properties in the Android manifest section of your project properties, or by declaring them in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of your Android project. For example:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion (\"1.0.0\")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion (\"1.0.0\")]

The Version Name is a string that represents the user-friendly version of your app, such as 1.0.0 or 2.1.5. The Version Code is an integer that represents the internal version of your app, and it must be incremented for each release. You can use semantic versioning to keep track of your version numbers, such as major.minor.patch.

Step 3: Shrink the APK

The size of your APK file can affect the download time and storage space of your app on the user's device. Therefore, it is advisable to shrink your APK file as much as possible by removing unused code and resources from your app.

To shrink your APK file, you can use the Xamarin.Android linker and ProGuard tools that are integrated with Visual Studio 2017. The linker analyzes your app and removes any assemblies, types, methods, and fields that are not referenced by your app. ProGuard obfuscates and optimizes your Java code and libraries by renaming classes, variables, and methods, and removing unused code.

To enable the linker and ProGuard for your Xamarin.Forms project, you can either set the Linking and Enable ProGuard properties in the Android Options section of your project properties, or edit them in the csproj file of your Android project. For example:

<PropertyGroup Condition=\" '$(Configuration)$(Platform)' == 'ReleaseAnyCPU' \"> <AndroidLinkMode>SdkOnly</AndroidLinkMode> <AndroidEnableProguard>True</AndroidEnableProguard> </PropertyGroup>

The Linking property can be set to None, SdkOnly, or Full. None means no linking is performed, SdkOnly means only the SDK assemblies are linked, and Full means both the SDK and user assemblies are linked. The Enable ProGuard property can be set to True or False. True means ProGuard is enabled, and False means ProGuard is disabled.

Step 4: Protect the Application

Protecting your application from reverse engineering and tampering is important for ensuring the security and integrity of your app and its data. Although shrinking your APK file can make it harder for hackers to analyze your app, it is not enough to prevent them from modifying or extracting sensitive information from your app.

To protect your application from reverse engineering and tampering, you can use various techniques such as disabling debugging, obfuscating the managed code, adding anti-debug and anti-tamper features, and using native compilation.

Disabling debugging prevents hackers from attaching a debugger to your app and inspecting its behavior at runtime. You can disable debugging by setting the Debuggable property to False in the Android manifest section of your project properties, or by declaring it in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of your Android project. For example:

[assembly: Application (Debuggable = false)]

Obfuscating the managed code makes it harder for hackers to understand the logic and functionality of your app by renaming classes, methods, variables, and parameters with meaningless names. You can obfuscate the managed code by using tools such as Dotfuscator Community Edition, which is included with Visual Studio 2017.

Adding anti-debug and anti-tamper features prevents hackers from debugging or modifying your app at runtime by detecting if a debugger or a tamper tool is attached to your app and taking appropriate actions such as exiting or crashing the app. You can add anti-debug and anti-tamper features by using tools such as Dotfuscator Community Edition or other third-party tools.

Using native compilation converts your managed code into native code that runs faster and is more difficult to reverse engineer than IL code. You can use native compilation by enabling AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation or LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) optimization in the project properties or the csproj file of your Android project.

Step 5: Set Packaging Properties

The packaging properties determine how your app is packaged into an APK file and how its assets are handled. You can optimize your packaging properties to improve the performance and user experience of your app.

your project properties, or edit them in the csproj file of your Android project. Some of the packaging properties you can use are:

  • Android App Bundles: This is a new format that allows you to create a single app bundle file that contains all the resources and code for your app, and then Google Play Store will generate and deliver optimized APK files for each device configuration. This can reduce the download size and installation size of your app. To use Android App Bundles, you need to set the AndroidPackageFormat property to aab in the csproj file of your Android project.

  • APK Splits: This is a feature that allows you to create multiple APK files for different device configurations, such as screen size, density, or ABI (Application Binary Interface). This can reduce the download size and installation size of your app for each device. To use APK Splits, you need to set the AndroidSupportedAbis property to a comma-separated list of ABIs in the csproj file of your Android project.

  • Resource Shrinking: This is a feature that removes unused resources from your app, such as images, strings, or layouts. This can reduce the size of your APK file and improve the memory usage of your app. To use resource shrinking, you need to set the AndroidEnableResourceShrinking property to True in the csproj file of your Android project.

  • Asset Encryption: This is a feature that encrypts your assets, such as images, videos, or audio files, with a key that is stored in the Android Keystore System. This can protect your assets from unauthorized access or extraction. To use asset encryption, you need to set the AndroidUseAapt2 property to True and the AndroidEnableAssetEncryption property to True in the csproj file of your Android project.

Step 6: Compile

The next step is to compile your Xamarin.Forms project in Release mode and verify that it builds without any errors or warnings. You can do this by selecting Release from the Solution Configurations drop-down menu in Visual Studio 2017, and then clicking on Build Solution from the Build menu.

If there are any errors or warnings in your project, you should fix them before proceeding to the next step. You can view the errors or warnings in the Error List window or the Output window in Visual Studio 2017.

Step 7: Archive for Publishing

The final step is to archive your Xamarin.Forms project for publishing and create a signed APK file ready for distribution. You can do this by using the Archive Manager tool in Visual Studio 2017.

To use the Archive Manager tool, you need to select Archive from the Build menu in Visual Studio 2017. This will open a new window where you can see all the archived versions of your project. You can also create a new archive by clicking on Archive All from the toolbar.

To create a signed APK file from an archive, you need to select an archive from the list and click on Distribute from the toolbar. This will open a new window where you can choose how to distribute your app. You can either distribute it via Google Play Store, Ad-Hoc Distribution, or Test Cloud.

For Google Play Store distribution, you need to sign in with your Google account and select an existing app or create a new one. You also need to provide some information about your app, such as its category, rating, description, screenshots, etc.

For Ad-Hoc Distribution, you need to sign your APK file with a keystore and an alias that you have created or imported previously. You also need to provide some information about your app, such as its name, version name, version code, etc.

For Test Cloud distribution, you need to sign in with your Xamarin account and select an existing test run or create a new one. You also need to provide some information about your app, such as its name, version name, version code, etc.

After choosing how to distribute your app, you need to click on Next and follow the instructions on the screen. Once you have completed all the steps, you will have a signed APK file ready for distribution.


In this article, you have learned how to generate an APK file from your Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio 2017. You have learned how to specify the application icon, version the application, shrink the APK file, protect the application, set packaging properties, compile, and archive for publishing. You have also learned some tips and best practices for generating an APK file from your Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio 2017.

Generating an APK file from your Xamarin.Forms project is a crucial step for distributing your app to your users. By following the steps and guidelines in this article, you can create a high-quality, secure, and optimized APK file that showcases your app's features and functionality.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to generating an APK file from Xamarin.Forms project using Visual Studio 2017:

Q: How can I test my APK file before distributing it?

A: You can test your APK file by installing it on an emulator or a physical device. You can use the Android Device Manager in Visual Studio 2017 to create and manage emulators, or use the USB debugging mode to connect your physical device to your computer. You can then use the Deploy Solution option from the Build menu to install and run your app on the selected device.

Q: How can I update my APK file after distributing it?

A: You can update your APK file by following the same steps as generating a new APK file, but with some changes. You need to increment the Version Code property of your app, and use the same keystore and alias for signing your APK file. You also need to upload the updated APK file to the same distribution channel as the previous one, such as Google Play Store or Ad-Hoc Distribution.

Q: How can I troubleshoot any errors or warnings during generating an APK file?

A: You can troubleshoot any errors or warnings by checking the Error List window or the Output window in Visual Studio 2017. You can also use the Diagnostic MSBuild Output option from the Tools menu to get more detailed information about the build process. You can also refer to the official documentation of Xamarin.Forms, Visual Studio 2017, Android SDK, and other tools for more guidance and solutions.

Q: How can I improve the performance and user experience of my app?

A: You can improve the performance and user experience of your app by using various techniques such as caching data, using async and await, optimizing images, using MVVM pattern, testing on different devices, etc. You can also use tools such as Xamarin Profiler, Xamarin Test Cloud, Xamarin Insights, etc. to measure and improve the performance and user experience of your app.

Q: How can I learn more about Xamarin.Forms and Visual Studio 2017?

A: You can learn more about Xamarin.Forms and Visual Studio 2017 by visiting their official websites, blogs, forums, documentation, tutorials, videos, podcasts, books, courses, etc. You can also join online communities such as Stack Overflow, Reddit, GitHub, etc. to ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback from other developers. 44f88ac181

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